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Home health Ricki Lake's 10 Stone Weight Loss - What a Dedication! She's Open About Challenges

Ricki Lake's 10 Stone Weight Loss - What a Dedication! She's Open About Challenges

terry Published On Tue Mar 14 2023   Modified On Tue Mar 14 2023
Ricki Lake's 10 Stone Weight Loss - What a Dedication! She's Open About Challenges

Ricki Lake is an American actress, television presenter, and producer who has been known for her weight loss journey. She has lost a significant amount of weight (140 pounds) over the years and has been quite open about her experiences with weight loss and body image. 

In 2011, Ricki Lake participated in the reality TV show "Dancing With The Stars," where she was able to lose a significant amount of weight due to the intense physical activity and training involved. 

After the show, Ricki continued to follow a healthy lifestyle and lost even more weight. She also shared her weight loss journey in her documentary film "Ricki Lake: My Best Kept Secret," where she talks about her struggles with weight and body image. 

Lake's weight loss journey has been inspiring to many people who struggle with weight and body image issues. She has shown that with dedication, hard work, and a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to achieve one's weight loss goals and maintain a healthy weight. 

Expressed Her Weight Problems in Documentary

"Ricki Lake: My Best Kept Secret" is a documentary film released in 2013 that focuses on Ricki Lake's struggles with weight and body image throughout her life. In the film, Ricki discusses her experiences with weight loss, including her successful weight loss journey during her participation in "Dancing With The Stars." 

In the film, Ricki talks about the emotional struggles and societal pressure that she faced as a woman in the public eye with larger body size. She shares her personal experiences with dieting, weight loss, and body shaming, and how these experiences have shaped her relationship with her body and her self-esteem. 

The film also includes interviews with other women who have struggled with weight and body image issues, as well as health and wellness experts who offer insights and advice on healthy weight loss practices. 

"Ricki Lake: My Best Kept Secret" is a powerful and inspiring documentary that sheds light on the emotional and physical challenges of weight loss, and emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving a healthy and happy life. 

Ricki Lake's Diet 

Ricki Lake's diet has evolved over time, and she has tried different approaches to healthy eating to support her weight loss and overall wellness goals. In general, she focuses on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoiding processed and high-fat foods. 

During her weight loss journey, Ricki Lake followed a healthy and balanced diet that included a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. She also avoided sugary drinks and snacks, and limited her intake of processed foods, fast foods, and high-fat foods. 

Ricki Lake With her husband and pet dog.

Ricki has also mentioned that she includes intermittent fasting in her diet, which involves alternating periods of fasting and eating. This approach can help with weight loss and has been linked to various health benefits, including improved blood sugar control and reduced inflammation. 


Ricki Lake has been very open about her weight loss journey, which includes incorporating exercise into her routine to support her weight loss and overall health goals. She has tried different types of exercise over the years, including dancing, yoga, and strength training. 

During her participation in "Dancing With The Stars," Ricki Lake engaged in an intense dance and fitness training program, which helped her to lose weight and improve her physical fitness. She also continued to dance and do yoga after the show, which helped her to maintain her weight loss and stay in shape. 

Ricki has also mentioned that she enjoys strength training and weight lifting, which can help to build muscle and increase metabolism. She has worked with personal trainers to develop a strength training program that is tailored to her goals and fitness level. 

Lake's exercise routine emphasizes variety and finding activities that are enjoyable and sustainable. By including a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises in her routine, she has been able to stay in shape and support her overall health and wellness. 

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