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Home news JonBenet Ramsey's Murder Still Raises Questions Over 20 Years Later

JonBenet Ramsey's Murder Still Raises Questions Over 20 Years Later

bbk Published On Mon Aug 23 2021   Modified On Mon Aug 23 2021
JonBenet Ramsey's Murder Still Raises Questions Over 20 Years Later

Even 20 Years Later, The Unsolved Mystery of JonBenet Ramsey's Murder Still Raises Questions.

The mystery of JonBenet Ramsey's case is still unsolved as no significant evidence can decode the murderer. To your knowledge, the American child beauty queen Ramsey was killed at the age of six. Her dead body was found at her family's home in Boulder, Colorado, with a handwritten ransom note.

As the family could not find Ramsey, so they reported their daughter was kidnapped. On further investigation, the dead body was found after almost seven hours. According to Pop culture, the family found a letter left by the kidnappers.

JonBenet Ramsey's murder still raises questions over 20 years.

JonBenet Ramsey's murder still raises questions over 20 years.
Photo Source: The Sun

The kidnappers demanded $118,000 in ransom, threatening that the girl would be killed if they didn't pay the sum. As the family didn't pay the aggregate, the dead body was found in the basement of her own house.

Solid objects like iron rods hit Ramsey, and she died due to strangulation. In the post mortem report, police found that the girl had a fractured skull due to a head blow. Further investigations cleared that the 6-year-old girl was also a victim of sexual molestation as there were injuries on her vagina.

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Ramsay's parents John Ramsey and Patsy Ramsey, and brother Burke Ramsey were suspected during initial investigations after a DNA test. Later, District Attorney Mary Lacy cleared the family members from the case as DNA evidence brought scrutiny in the murder case.

JonBenét Ramsey was questioned about the case by Nancy Grace and Dr. Phil. In a documentary, they showed him as guilty without proper evidence. Later, Ramsey filed a lawsuit against the network, which was later settled in 2019. Nevertheless, no strong results of the evidence have come forward, leaving many mysteries.

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