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Home health Brian van de Graaff Weight Loss Speculations is Making Rounds

Brian van de Graaff Weight Loss Speculations is Making Rounds

Heisenberg Published On Tue Jun 16 2020   Modified On Wed Jun 17 2020
Brian van de Graaff Weight Loss Speculations is Making Rounds

Grab all the details on the weight loss speculations of the weather forecaster of the ABC 7 News, Brian van de Graaff.

Brian van de Graaff is mainly recognized from his weather forecasts on ABC 7 News. Brian delivers the weather forecast each day as part of the Storm Watch 7 team on the Washington D.C. area. He is a member of the Storm Watch 7 team for over 19 years, carries the American Meteorological Society's prestigious Seal of Approval.

ABC 7 News viewers are noticing a slight change in Brian's appearances in recent forecasts, and people can't stop gossiping about it. It appears van de Graff's been dropping a few pounds to attain a slimmer physique, as he looks a little thinner than he used to in the past few months. As the meteorologist himself is quiet on such rumors on the Internet, we can't even safely say that he lost weight. But the noticeable change in his body, makes any regular audience of his program think whether he underwent weight loss or not. So let's get to the heart of the matter to find out the truth.

What's the Deal About Brian van de Graaff Undergoing Weight Loss?

From the observation of the slight transformations in his weight, we can say that Brian van de Graaff did lose weight in these last few weeks. It appears Brian is in his early stages of weight loss journey, as the changes are not that significant and can be noticed only after some careful viewing. With the exception of some kind of illness or condition which we believe Brian is not suffering from, ABC 7's weather guy's weight loss is solely due to changes in his diet plan and workout routine.

People are nowadays gossiping that Brian van de Graaff underwent weight loss.

People are nowadays gossiping that Brian van de Graaff underwent weight loss.
Source: Facebook

An appropriate diet plan plays a chief role in any weight loss journey. Anyone aspiring to lose weight must, first of all, bring a massive change to his or her eating habits. Avoiding processed and packaged food products that high in calories is a significant step in managing a healthy diet. Additionally, one should be careful not to intake food items high in carbohydrate content and added sugar. Eating organic diets like vegetables and fruit rich in protein, minerals, and other nutrients.

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Along with an appropriate diet comes an intense workout routine. Exercise supplements diet in a person's weight loss journey, making sure the mass which is burnt during the physical activity is fat, not muscle. With the right diet and intense workout routine over a period, many can transform their body.

Brian van de Graaff's Early Life

Brian van de Graaff was born in Arlington and raised in the rural communities of Culpeper and Madison, Virginia. He was always interested in weather, broadcasting, and media. When he attended George Mason University, he was near to Washington D.C., where he works now.

Brian van de Graaff attended George Mason University.

Brian van de Graaff attended George Mason University.
Source: Flickr

After graduating from college, Van de Graff began his first job as a marketing assistant at television station WUSA 9, which eventually led to his successful career as a meteorologist. According to this biography article by his university's website, Brian said this about his passion for meteorology: 'I have always been interested in the weather. When I realized that I could make a career out of a hobby and a passion, it clicked.'

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